The Price Listed includes a basic installation to the main TV location... Extra TV locations may incur a Price of $150.00-$250.00 varying on time and material...
An Account with Bell Satellite is Required along with the Winegard Package in order to Receive Satellite Signal Programming... We are not a Dealer for Bell Satellite, So you'll be required to Activate an Account and Programming Package with Bell Satellite...
With over 40 years Experience we are by far the most sought after to do complete Installations and Activation of Winegard Systems and ShawDirect Package Activation's...
Send us an Email: ([email protected]) (or) Give us a Call: (604-702-1111) to get You Hooked up for RV Satellite TV...
The Store Payment Shopping Functions isn't activated since All Systems require Programming, Activation, and Service/Installation... Payment will be taken By Phone or at Time of Installation & Activation...