Starlink Installations for (RV's)
Starlink Installations for (RV's)

Starlink Installations for (RV's)

Your Price: $350.00
StarLink Installs for Rv's
Part Number: Starlinkinstall
Availability: Back Order.
Geared for the Current Generation 3 StarLink System

Out of the Starting Gate: Before Trusting your Truck or RV to  the hands and tools, Know this, Not all Installers who are Offering Below Normal Discounts have a Business License, Business Liability Insurance nor have Accident Insurance - Work Safe BC...  And above all, don't have the vast knowledge and training to get the job done right the first time...

We have all the above and come with over 47 Years of Reliable Knowledge Base Service in the Telecommunications, Satellite, Cellular  & Radio World... With vast Technical Training from a Technical Institution... Whether it's Internet by Satellite or Cellular, Mobile 2- Way Radio, Cellular Boosters or Satellite TV... I've worked for Motorola Canada, Icom Canada, Telus, Bell, Rodgers & Shaw Direct... Having Installed Communication Systems for 911, Fire Departments, Police Dispatch Networks and Various Commercial Sectors in Trucking, Logging, Mining and RV World...

(We are a Direct Dealer for all of Our Products... This Includes: Icom Canada, Go power Solar, Winegard USA, SureCall Canada...)

Installation Starting Price is $350.00 plus any Additional Accessories, Professional Robust Mobile Mounts, and Installation Parts needed to complete the task...
If you want it done right, you won't find it in a Cracker Jack Box... Going Mobile, & Venturing into the Back Country requires a Robust Product and Installation... We do make it "Semi Permanent" so it won't unsnap accidentally on a rough road...

We don't live in Cactus Country, So, Circumstances may change, and with a little effort you can remove the dish and set it up in an open area when Camping Extended periods Under Trees and you need Internet Coverage... Yes, we live in a Beautiful Province with Towering Trees and Forested Campsites, so we try to Resolve Issues for the Best Results under most circumstances ... There are Cheaper Mounting Brackets on the Market, but be aware, more likely to fail under Stressful Conditions...

For the past 5 years, the most frequent asked questions at our booth at the bi-annual Abbotsford/Fraserway RV Event and Show was and is, What can we do to get  Wifi Service on the road...?  Which means, how can I get Internet while travelling & camping in the outdoors...

Wifi is the signal from your router to your device, ie laptop... Internet or Data is the connection from the provider to your router... ie Starlink, Rogers, Bell... Something to consider what system works for you... Streaming continuous video, ie TV, require a lot of data... A two hour 4K movie can consume 2GB of Data, not a problem when you're on cable or fiber feed... Sending the same amount of data wireless does become more costly due to the infrastructure required and that's why you see the Starlink Roam at $189.00 to $350.00/Month costs to get Data to a device through a Satellite Wireless Network, Mainly Starlink... I'm sure creating the Starlink network is in the multi Billions of Dollars, not inexpensive...

All though we provide Great Cellular Booster Options to increase Cellphone Signal making it possible to use the Data customers have with their Cellular Provider and it's a great option we use ourselves... However Starlink is a away to receive Internet Signal in remote areas where there is no Cellphone Signal and Customers who require None Limiting Roaming Data Service for Streaming and remotely running your business while enjoying the Great Out-Doors... 

Startlink sells directly to the Customer, where we come in,  We Provide Various Starlink Accessories & do Profession RV-Rooftop Installations for Your Starlink System...

Standard Installation Only: "We Don't Sell Starlink or Programming Packages"

For the last 3 years I've been observing the 3 generations of Starlink Equipment as they rolled out of the Starlink Factory... As more and more Mounting Accessories have become available, I've Listened to People and also done a lot of research as to what works and what doesn't work... What's cheap and faulty and what components would give a Starlink Customer the Best Options and the Most Usable in Various Environments... For one, In Our Lovely Province of British Columbia we have Vast Forests and Mountains and We love to Setup Our Campsite under our 200' Trees for Shade & Shelter... However that's an Enemy to Starlink Satellite Signal as with any Satellite Signal... So my Interest and 40 plus years of Satellite Experience Seeks to give the Best Opportunities in Our Rugged and Majestic Environment... Give me a Call: 604-702-1111 and arrange an Installation onto your RV, Camper Motorhome...

A Professional KC Communication RV Installation will include a standard installation of the product you have purchased through Starlink. A Standard installation for a Starlink High Performance Antenna is two-three hours... Parts, Mounts, Poles etc are Extra... Starting, Basic Price for Installation $350.00 (Clear, Flat Roof & No Alterations Required) *Note, other subjects below... (Customer would need to do their own Activation & Setup with Starlink Provider as per their contract) We do the physical Installation... *For those needing assistance in setting up their router and giving instructions to connect with Starlink those services can be provided for extra time charges...

1/ Roof is clear of obstructions and has suitable clearance to install Starlink antenna without moving/removing other roof top equipment...

2/ Cable can be routed across RV roof top and enter RV interior directly into a cabinet or shelf mounted at or near ceiling and has 110V power available...

3/ Cabinet/Shelf has required space needed to install power supply, router... (that is not located in a slide-out)

4/ Customer will use the router and power supply provided in the Starlink box...

5/ Besides Mounting Hardware, there may be a few added minimal cost of sundries, such as cable ties, roof sealing plate, sealant...

6/ We do travel to your RV location with mobile service, a travel fee could apply outside of town, depending on the distance...


The new Flat High Performance Starlink allows users to enjoy high-speed, low-latency internet while in motion.

With a wide field of view and enhanced GPS capabilities, the Flat High Performance Starlink can connect to more satellites, allowing for consistent connectivity on the go.

The hardware is designed for a permanent installation on your vehicle and is resilient in harsh environments.

Currently available for order and use in select markets...


Starlink Roam is ideal for customers travelling to locations where connectivity has been unreliable or completely unavailable.

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